Under the Stars.

J E E V A'S  P O V

Two weeks had dragged by in a haze of anxiety and fear since the first unsettling message arrived. 

It began innocently enough, but as they grew more frequent and disturbing, they became a constant source of dread.

 Each notification on my phone sent a shiver down my spine, disrupting my already fragile focus on my studies. 

Desperate for answers, I turned to Avinash, a friend from school now interning at the forensic department in Delhi. 

Our late-night calls became a lifeline as we dissected every detail, trying to piece together clues that could unmask the anonymous tormentor.

But with each passing day, the messages became more sinister, crossing boundaries that made me physically ill. The pressure of the unknown weighed heavily on me, leading to breakdowns that left me feeling helpless and vulnerable. 

Even Krishav, who had always been so understanding and supportive, became a casualty of my turmoil. I began avoiding him, making excuses to keep my distance, fearing that if I let myself get too close, I would only end up hurting him more deeply.

The once-familiar refuge of the library turned into a place of discomfort. I felt eyes on me constantly, an unnerving presence that made every study session an ordeal.

Then, just as abruptly as they had begun, the messages stopped. For an entire week, there was nothing but silence from the sender. 

Relief washed over me, but it was tinged with caution. When I shared the news with Avinash over the phone, his response echoed my own lingering unease.

"Maybe something happened to him," he mused, his voice tinged with concern. "Or maybe he's playing mind games, testing your reactions."

I sat at my desk in the dimly lit hostel room, staring at my phone as his words sank in. The stillness that followed was unsettling after weeks of tension and fear. Avinash was right; we couldn't afford to let our guard down now.

"We can't just sit tension-free," I murmured, more to myself than to Avinash.

"We'll keep trying to track him down," Avinash assured me, his determination audible even through the phone.

"Thank you, Avinash," I replied softly, grateful for his unwavering support.

As we ended the call, I was left alone with my thoughts. 

The uncertainty of what would happen next loomed large, but I knew one thing for certain—I couldn't afford to be complacent. 

The threat might have paused, but it hadn't disappeared, and I had to stay vigilant.

Lost in my thoughts, I felt a jolt as my phone pinged. For a split second, dread gripped me, thinking it might be another message from the faceless tormentor. 

With cautious hope, I checked my phone and exhaled in relief—it was Krishav, asking me to come downstairs. 

A wave of relaxation washed over me as I peered through the balcony glass to see him waiting.

Krishav stood by his bike, clad in a striking black leather jacket and pants, his posture oozing confidence. 

Our eyes locked, and I watched as he casually dialed his phone, holding it to his ear with an air of self-assurance. 

Curiosity mingled with a hint of apprehension as my phone rang—it was Krishav calling me directly. Why now? I wondered, my mind racing with questions.

I answered tentatively, lifting the phone to my ear, but before I could speak, his voice cut through with authority, "Wear a thick jacket. It's cold out."

His commanding tone sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of intimidation and a strange thrill. Nodding silently, I quickly obeyed, hurrying to get ready and making my way downstairs.

When I reached him, he handed me a helmet, his gaze holding mine with a magnetic intensity that made my heart skip a beat. 

Without a word, he placed the helmet on my head, his touch gentle yet possessive. Confusion flickered across my face as I asked, "What's going on?"

"Scoot," he replied simply, his voice firm and unwavering.

Feeling a rush of nerves, I hesitated, caught off guard by his sudden dominance. His eyes bore into mine with a commanding presence that was both unsettling and strangely enticing. 

With a mix of reluctance and curiosity, I moved closer and climbed onto the bike behind him. As he started the engine and we began to move, I couldn't shake the feeling of being swept up in something unexpected.

Krishav's confident posture and controlled movements as he navigated through the streets drew my attention. 

His strong presence seemed to fill the space around us, drawing looks from passersby. Despite my initial uncertainty, I found myself strangely drawn to his aura of strength and authority.

The wind tousled my hair as we rode, and he glanced back at me with a faint smile. My heart fluttered at the sight, unsure of where this impromptu adventure would lead. 

Despite the questions swirling in my mind, I couldn't deny the thrill of being with him in that moment, captivated by his dominant yet undeniably attractive demeanor.

After a 25-minute ride, Krishav parked the bike and cut the engine. I dismounted, removing my helmet and glancing around, trying to get my bearings. 

The surroundings were unfamiliar, and before I could ask where we were, Krishav grasped my wrist, leading me forward with a determination that made my heart race.

I looked down at his hand holding mine, my cheeks flushing a deep red. My heart pounded, and my mind fixated on the unexpected change in his behavior. 

His grip was firm yet gentle, sending thousands of butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

We came to a stop, and I looked up to find Krishav's eyes locked onto mine. His intense gaze held me captive. 

He stepped closer, his breath warm against my skin as he leaned in, his lips barely brushing my cheek. I closed my eyes, overwhelmed by the closeness.

"Do you have any intention of letting go of my hand, Brownie?" he whispered, his voice a tantalizing mix of authority and tease.

I opened my eyes to find a smirk playing on his lips. Glancing down, I realized I was gripping his hand tightly, as if it were a lifeline. 

Embarrassed, I released his hand and looked away, trying to compose myself.

When I looked ahead, my eyes widened in awe. The night sky stretched out before us, filled with countless twinkling stars. 

Their brilliance mirrored the wonder in my eyes, and a smile spread across my face.

I started to walk forward, entranced by the celestial display, not watching where I was going. 

Suddenly, Krishav pulled me back, his hand gripping mine once more. My back collided with his chest, and he whispered urgently in my ear, "Careful, there's a chasm."

My heart raced even faster at his touch and the closeness of his voice. I glanced down, noticing the steep drop just ahead. I nodded, breathless from the adrenaline and his proximity.

"Thank you," I managed to say, my voice barely more than a whisper.

Krishav's grip on my hand remained steady as he guided me to a safer spot. The cool night air carried a sense of tranquility, contrasting sharply with the whirlwind of emotions inside me. 

As we stood under the mesmerizing canopy of stars, the silence between us was filled with an unspoken tension. 

Krishav's grip on my hand was firm, his presence overwhelming yet comforting. I felt a strange mix of emotions—nervousness, excitement, and a curious sense of security.

We found a flat, safe spot and sat down. The night was cool, and the only sounds were the rustling leaves and distant chirping of crickets. His eyes never left mine, his gaze intense and unreadable.

"Jeeva," he said, his voice softer now but still carrying that commanding edge. "What's been bothering you lately?"

I hesitated, my heart pounding. Part of me wanted to pour everything out—the blackmailer, the fear, the constant anxiety. But another part held back, afraid of dragging him into my mess.

"It's just... stress from studies," I said, my voice wavering slightly. "Things have been overwhelming."

Krishav's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he could see right through my half-truths. He moved closer, his hand reaching out to gently cup my cheek. 

The warmth of his touch sent a shiver down my spine.

"I don't buy that, Jeeva," he said quietly, his tone dark and insistent. "I know there's more to it. But whatever it is, I want you to know I'm here for you. Always."

His words were both reassuring and unsettling. There was a depth to his gaze, a fierce protectiveness that was new to me. It was as if a darker, more intense side of Krishav had emerged, and it both scared and intrigued me.

"Why... why are you being so different?" I finally asked, my voice barely more than a whisper. "You've always been sweet and kind, but now..."

Krishav's lips curved into a small, enigmatic smile. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my ear. "People have different sides, Brownie. You've seen my kind side. But I can be more than that—especially when it comes to someone I care about."

His words hung in the air, and I felt a rush of emotions—fear, excitement, and a strange thrill. There was a darkness to his protectiveness, a dominant streak that both unsettled and drew me in.

For a moment, I considered telling him everything. The blackmailer, the messages, the fear that had taken over my life. 

But the words caught in my throat. Instead, I leaned into his touch, finding comfort in his closeness.

His words wrapped around me like a protective shield, and for the first time in weeks, I felt a flicker of hope. 

His sudden shift from sweet to dominant and slightly dark was confusing, but it also made me feel safer than I had in a long time.

As we sat there under the vast, starlit sky, my eyes caught sight of a falling star streaking across the darkness. I gasped in excitement, pointing upwards. "Look, Krishav, a shooting star!"

Without hesitation, I closed my eyes and made a silent wish: Please, no matter what happens, let him never be hurt because of anything.

When I opened my eyes, I found Krishav already looking at me, a soft smile playing on his lips.

 The moonlight and stars cast a gentle glow on his face, making him look almost ethereal. 

I couldn't help but admire the way his features were illuminated, his expression both strong and tender.

"Did you make a wish?" he asked, his voice low and warm.

I nodded, unable to suppress my own smile. "Yes, I did."

His smile widened slightly, and he leaned in closer, his eyes never leaving mine. "You looked so happy. I hope your wish comes true."

I felt my cheeks warm, the intimacy of the moment enveloping us. The way he looked at me, with such intensity and care, made my heart flutter.

"You look beautiful in this light," I said softly, unable to stop myself from voicing my thoughts. "Like you belong here, under the stars."

He chuckled, the sound deep and soothing. "And you look like you belong here with me."

The words hung in the air, charged with a meaning that made my heart race. The dark, dominant edge I had sensed in him earlier was still there, but now it was tempered with a gentleness that reassured me.

"Krishav," I began hesitantly, "I know I haven't told you everything, and I know you can sense that something is wrong. But... just being here with you, it makes everything feel a little more bearable."

He reached out and took my hand again, his grip firm and reassuring. "You don't have to explain everything now. Just know that whatever it is, I'm here. And I'll protect you, no matter what."

His words were a promise, and the sincerity in his eyes made me believe it. As we sat there, hand in hand, I felt a sense of peace that had eluded me for weeks. The future was uncertain, but with him by my side, I felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The night stretched on, the stars shining brightly above us. In that moment, under the protective watch of the moon and stars, I allowed myself to believe that maybe, just maybe, everything would turn out alright.

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Hello Pretty people!! This is Evara Sharma aka evarately. Thank you for choosing my books and giving them a chance to help you escape the reality through fictional world.

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