The Power Play.


The bustling streets of Mumbai blur outside the tinted windows of Nevan Malhotra's sleek black Rolls Royce. The city pulses with its usual cacophony, but within the car, there is serene silence, interrupted only by the faint hum of the engine.

Nevan, sits back, his sharp, dark eyes scanning through the latest financial reports on his tablet. His chiseled features are illuminated by the screen's glow, highlighting the intensity of his focus.

At 28, Nevan Malhotra is already a force to be reckoned with in the business world. As the CEO of Sapphire, a conglomerate with interests spanning real estate, fashion, and technology, he has carved out an empire through sheer determination and strategic brilliance.

His reputation precedes him; in the corporate world, he is known as a ruthless negotiator and a visionary leader. Dangerous yet peaceful, devilish yet innocent, Nevan is the calm before the storm-a paradox that intrigues and unnerves those who cross his path.

The car slows to a stop in front of the opulent Sapphire Towers, a symbol of his power and prestige. The towering glass structure reflects the sunlight, creating a dazzling display that can be seen for miles.

Nevan steps out of the car, his tailored suit fitting him like a glove. He exudes confidence with every step, a man used to having the world at his feet.

As he enters the lobby, the staff greets him with a mix of reverence and fear. Nevan acknowledges their greetings with a curt nod, his mind already on the meeting ahead. He makes his way to the private elevator that leads to his executive suite on the top floor.

Inside the elevator, Nevan adjusts his cufflinks, his mind momentarily drifting to his upcoming wedding. The mysterious fiancée has become the subject of much speculation, but Nevan has kept details under wraps, enjoying the curiosity it sparks.

His personal life is as meticulously controlled as his business empire.

The elevator doors open to reveal his luxurious office, a space that reflects his taste for the finer things in life. Modern art pieces adorn the walls, and the expansive windows offer a panoramic view of the city.

He walks to his desk, where his secretary, Sienna Gill, awaits with a stack of documents.

"Good morning, Sir," Sienna greets, her tone professional yet warm. "Here are the reports you requested, and your schedule for the day."

Nevan glances at the documents, then looks up at Sienna. "Thank you, Sienna. Any updates on the new project?"

"Yes, sir. The team has made significant progress, and they are ready for your review."

"Good. Schedule a meeting for this afternoon," he instructs, his mind already shifting gears.

Sienna nods, then hesitates slightly. "Sir, there's also a message requesting a private appointment with you. It's from Ms. Adira Singhania."

A flicker of recognition crosses Nevan's face as he hears the name. He has been expecting this move, but the timing is intriguing. He turns to Sienna. "Reply to set up the appointment, and let them know I'll be there."

Sienna nods, typing out the message with practiced efficiency.

The reply comes almost instantly: "The Royale, 8 PM."

Nevan leans back in his chair, his fingers tapping lightly on the armrest. The Royale is an upscale bar known for its exclusivity.

It is the perfect setting for a meeting that promises to be anything but ordinary.

As the day progresses, Nevan remains focused on his work, but his mind occasionally drifts to the evening's rendezvous.

The hours tick by, filled with meetings, presentations, and strategic planning. By the time evening approaches, Nevan is ready for a change of pace.

He leaves his office, the city now bathed in the golden hues of sunset. The drive to The Royale is smooth, his anticipation building with each passing moment.

Upon arrival, he is greeted by the maître d', who escorts him to a secluded booth in the back, away from prying eyes.

Nevan settles into the plush seat, ordering a glass of his favorite whiskey. He glances at his watch: 7:55 PM. Right on time.

The door to the bar opens, and in walks Adira Singhania, her presence commanding the room's attention. She is dressed in an elegant yet daring outfit, her confidence radiating with every step.

She approaches the booth with a slow, deliberate grace, her eyes locking onto Nevan's. "Mr. Malhotra," she greets, her voice smooth and confident.

"Ms. Singhania," Nevan replies, standing to shake her hand. "Please, have a seat."

As Adira sits down, the air between them crackles with unspoken tension and curiosity. Both are titans in their respective fields, and this meeting is more than just a casual encounter. It is a power play, a dance of shadows and alliances that will shape their futures.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Nevan asks, his tone polite but edged with curiosity.

Adira's lips curl into a mysterious smile. "I believe we have much to discuss, Mr. Malhotra. Opportunities that could be mutually beneficial."

Nevan raises his glass, intrigued. "I'm listening."

Adira leans in slightly, her gaze locked with Nevan's. "I propose a collaboration between Sapphire's advertisement and branding firm and Temptation Universe."

Nevan's interest is piqued, but he keeps his expression neutral. "And why would a company like Temptation Universe, which is already a brand in itself, need a collaboration with Sapphire?"

Adira's smile doesn't waver. "Because synergy can create magic, Mr. Malhotra. And I believe that together, we could unlock doors that neither of us could open alone."

Nevan takes a sip of his whiskey, his eyes never leaving hers. "I appreciate the offer, Ms. Singhania, but I must decline. Temptation Universe doesn't need anyone's branding. Your company stands tall on its own."

Adira's eyes flash with a mix of frustration and intrigue. "Are you sure you want to refuse without considering the potential benefits?"

Nevan leans back, his gaze steady and unyielding. "Quite sure. Besides, you wouldn't be here unless there was more to this proposal than meets the eye. What is it that you really want, Ms. Singhania?"

Adira's smile falters for a moment, but she quickly regains her composure. "It's true, there are deeper layers to this. But those details can be worked out once we agree on the basics."

Nevan's calm demeanor never wavers. "I'm afraid my decision stands. Your company is extraordinary on its own and does not require assistance from Sapphire."

Adira's frustration simmers beneath the surface. "No one has ever rejected my offers, Mr. Malhotra. This is a first."

Nevan's lips curve into a slight smile. "There's a first time for everything, Ms. Singhania."

Adira's cherry lips tighten into a forced smile, a sight that catches Nevan's attention momentarily before he dismisses the thought. Her eyes, sharp and dominating, lock onto his with a fiery intensity. "Think carefully, Mr. Malhotra. This collaboration could be beneficial in ways you haven't even considered."

Nevan shrugs nonchalantly, taking another sip of his whiskey. "I'm aware of what I'm passing up, Ms. Singhania. But my answer remains the same."

Adira's anger flares, her hands itching to grab the glass of whiskey from his hand and throw it across the room. But she controls herself, her smile never faltering. "Very well, Mr. Malhotra. But remember this moment. You'll regret turning down this opportunity."

With that, she stands up, her eyes still locked onto his. "Good evening, Mr. Malhotra."

Nevan watches as she walks away, his calm exterior hiding the complex emotions swirling within. As the door closes behind her, he lets out a low, evil laugh, a strange desire flickering in his eyes. He closes his eyes and whispers to himself, "We'll meet again soon, Ira."

The game has only just begun, and both players are ready for the challenge.


I step out of The Royale, my mind swirling with a mix of anger and determination. The cool night air hits my face as I walk briskly toward my car, the click of my heels sharp against the pavement. I take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm raging inside me.

This is the first time someone has dared to refuse my proposal, and the sting of rejection is a new, unwelcome sensation.

Reaching my car, I pause for a moment, leaning against it as I take several more deep breaths. I clench and unclench my fists, my mind racing.

"No matter what, I will find out who his fiancée is," I murmur to myself. "And after that, Nevan Malhotra will see who Adira Singhania truly is."

I straighten up, my resolve hardening. As I slip into the driver's seat, my phone rings. The name "Arjun" flashes on the screen. My face goes blank, and I frown, my hand instinctively tightening into a fist.

I don't want to talk to anyone right now, least of all Arjun. With a swift motion, I decline the call and toss the phone onto the passenger seat.

Starting the engine, I drive through the city streets, the glow of the streetlights casting fleeting shadows across my face.

My mind replays the meeting with Nevan. His calm, infuriating demeanor, his piercing gaze, the way he dismissed my offer without a second thought. The audacity.

"I can't believe he rejected me," I think, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "No one rejects me. No one."

The drive to my home is a blur, my thoughts consumed by Nevan and the challenge he represents.

I can still see the way he looked at me, the subtle smile that hinted at amusement and something else I can't quite decipher. Desire? Curiosity? It doesn't matter. What matters is my plan and the obstacles in my way.

Finally, I pull into the driveway of my luxurious home. The familiar sight of the grand facade does little to soothe my frayed nerves.

I step out of the car, slamming the door a bit harder than necessary, and walk briskly to the front door.

As I enter, the silence of the house envelops me. It's a stark contrast to the chaos in my mind. I kick off my heels and head straight to my study, needing the comfort of my workspace to think clearly.

The walls are lined with shelves filled with books and awards, a testament to my achievements. I sit down at my desk, running a hand through my hair as I take a moment to collect myself.

"No matter what, I will get to the bottom of this," I say aloud, my voice steady and determined. "Nevan Malhotra, you have no idea who you're dealing with."

I pull out my laptop and begin to work, my fingers flying over the keys as I start researching everything I can find about Nevan and Sapphire.

The more I learn, the more determined I become. This is just another challenge, and Adira Singhania never backs down from a challenge.

Hours pass as I delve deeper into my investigation, my mind focused and sharp. This isn't just about a business deal anymore. It's personal. And I will not rest until I have the upper hand.

As the first light of dawn begins to filter through the curtains, I finally lean back in my chair, a small smile playing on my lips. I have a plan, and I know exactly what my next move will be.

"This is far from over, Nevan Malhotra," I whisper to myself.


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Hello Pretty people!! This is Evara Sharma aka evarately. Thank you for choosing my books and giving them a chance to help you escape the reality through fictional world.

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